What it Means to Be a Woman

A fabric-primed quadriptych depicting the bittersweets of womanhood using experimental materials such as hair, wax, pins, porcelain etc.


Mixed Media on Canvas


Oct 2021

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The eyes at the left top emphasize how women have to be constantly alert to the dangers around them, emphasized by the thumb-tacks that protrude from surrounding vines; the right top canvas combats the stereotype of women being “fragile, pretty flower vases” by characterizing the inner essence of even a “broken” woman as grand rivers. At the bottom left is a depiction of the tenderness of motherhood as the baby nests sweetly in its mother’s hair which I braided from a real wig; and at the bottom right, a mother giving birth is juxtaposed with a sunrise made out of colorful metallic strings, glorifying the woman’s capacity to debut new life into the world.

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